Crusaders Of Might And Magic Faq

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Crusaders of Might and Magic for the original Sony Playstation 1. Now on sale with a 90-day no questions asked return policy. Crusaders of Might and Magic Review. If the game were any longer, you'd start getting really tired of its numerous shortcomings and even more frustrated that its good ingredients are only half-baked.

Crusaders of Might and Magic - Walkthrough/FAQ (PC) Crusaders of Might and MagicWalkthrough and FAQ v0.64by Lord Haart ( is a little thing I put together mainly for criticism at this point. Itincludes a small walkthrough for the first few levels of the game, as well asmonster bios for the first monsters you will encounter. Both will be completed,as well as the addition of a weapon and armor chart, and a list of magicalitems. The locations of all the spells will be disclosed. This guide will onlyappear on, and will only appear in it's finished form HaartWalkthrough (Squire)Western StrongholdYou start here as a captive of the legion, and the two skeleton warriorswho are in charge of you fall quickly to your quick wits. After you have thesword and shield head left and follow the passage till the end where you willfight spiritual warrior and find a healing potion.

Retrace your steps and headdown the other path. Take the corner and before you know it, you'll findyourself releasing the captain of the guard, a crusader that bids your journeyto the Citadel to talk to the leader of the Crusaders, Celestia.

So that iswhere you will have to go. But first and foremost you have to make good yourescape. Search his cell to find a potion of healing. Then continue down thepassage and climb the stairs to find yourself face to face with a skeletonwarrior. Slay him and all others that follow and take the right passage to comeout into daylight. Look around and you will see a large, but closed gate. Now,you just have to open it.

Look right and you should see another skeletonwarrior. Kill him and operate the switch to get the gate to open. Run and passthrough the gate. You may be attacked while doing this. If you are, face youropponent, then open the gate again. Run outside to freedom.The Trip To The CitadelRight after you exit from the Stronghold, head right and pick up the gold andthe speed potion. Then head back and go the other way.

Beat up the skeletonwarriors and take their longswords. You can sell them for 120 gold pieces eachat the armoury in town. You can't get lost here. Just continue going straightand you'll hit a cabin.

There are three skeleton warriors to slay (one isinside) and head into town. Talk to everyone you meet and continue goingstraight. Sooner or later you'll hit the last two buildings in town (they arethe ones after the sunflower garden). The one on the left is the armoury. Sellyour extra weapons and buy a suit of scale armour. Then continue until you hitanother cabin.

A skeleton ghost hides behind it, so you should kill it. Thereare also some other skeleton warriors to the right of the cabin (as seen fromthe way you get there), as well as the entrance to the Catacombs. You can't goin yet, so go back to the cabin and head out the third way. Just follow thatpath until yo get to another junction at which pnt you should go right first totake out a skeleton warrior camp. Then take the left way and continue goingstraight until you hit a bridge.

Walk over the bridge and you will see a boat.Talk to the lady there to get a lift to the citadel.The CitadelGet off the boat and head into the large room. Walk directly across the room andenter the middle room.

Go down the stairs and exit the room. You'll be in alarge circular chamber, head right until you see a door on the left wall that isflanked by tow guards. They'll tell you that Lady Celestia is expecting you andyou can open the door.

Go in and up the stairs to find yourself in her throneroom. She'll tell you that she wants you to get the Horn of Shattering from thedwarves of Corantha so you can blast the Stronghold's walls down. Visit thearmoury (up to you to find) and return to the ship. Talk to its captain again toget a lift back to the mainland.Quickly head back to the third cabin (the first one before you hit thesection with the armour shop) and go to the Catacomb's entrance. Enter it nowThe CatacombsThe Catacombs are littered with treasure for the eager Crusader to find.They are dark and guarded by many skeleton warriors and skeleton ghost.Here is a quick way to get through, while getting all the treasure at thesame time. At the start there is a sort of 'bridge' in the centre. Follow ittill it starts going down and into another hall.

Before entering the hall goeither to the left or right and go all the way to the end, directly under whereyou started to get some gold and a healing potion. Then by heading back to theunentered hall, but by going under the bridge, you will find another darkpassage, under the bridge of course. Follow that passage, down the stairs andinto a larger room. There is a healing potion in one of the room's corners. Thenpull the switch to cause the floor to cave in. Go down to the sunken floor andhead into the new passage under the switch.

Meet the lightning blast of askeleton ghost and introduce him to the second death. Grab the ThunderousHammer, which is simply the most powerful weapon you have found to date. Headback up to the bridge and into the previously unentered hall.

Head right andinto the little passageway in the right wall. Follow the passage to the end andopen the chest to get a Shield of Swiftness in Action. Head out of thepassageway and continue down the hall.

Go up the stairs and dispatch theskeleton warriors.Take the nearby stairs to the catacombs themselves. Dispatch all theskeleton warriors, then head towards the far wall. Take a right, then two lefts.Continue down the hall until you find a break in the wall on your right. Use thewooden planks to go down. Pick up the potions and head to the small passageunder the planks to get a heavy mace. Return to the room where you got thepotions and go under the other arch.

Go straight and take a left when the hallruns out. Continue until the corridor opens up into a natural cavern. Continuegoing forward and mow down all the skeletons in your way. It's pretty straightforward. It all changes when you hit the overturned wagon.; At that point, equipyour biggest, baddest bashing weapon, preferably the Thunderous Hammer andproceed forward cautiously. This is the first encounter you will have with theearth elemental.

They are immune to slashing weapons and can rip you to shredsin seconds. There is a second in the mushroom patch farther on. They take abouttwo to four hits to slay. After you kill the two, continue on your way until yousee a bridge. Jump onto it and walk carefully. If you need to, hold shift towalk. When at the end jump down and kill the skeleton warriors.

Then go rightand open the chest to get the Amber Ring of Quickness. Equip it and then takethe left path. Jump onto the second bridge, continue on until you get to thethird bridge at which point you will undoubtedly see a swinging bridge. Continuepast it and you will soon see a second such bridge.

Make a timely jump to getonto the bridge and then jump onto the other side. On the right there is a chestwith a Stone Skin Spell Book within it. Get it and hurry back to the other sideof the swinging bridge. Continue the way you were leading until the naturalcaverns end and halls can once again be seen.There is a skeleton warrior right on the inside to the left, so rememberto take him out. Continue and you'll find yourself walking on a 'spiral bridge'over nothing. Skeleton Warriors guard it, so you'll have to knock them all down.At the end, turn left and slowly climb down the side.

Watch out for the twoearth elementals. Kill them before they have the chance to return the favour.Continue down and get the Fire Ball Spell Book. It's floating in midair for somereason or another. After having grabbed it, head back up to the foot of thebridge, where you descend into the darkness. Enter the beginning of the hallthere.Go straight down the hall, but stay wary of the skeleton ghost. Continueuntil the path splits to the left and right. At this point, return to the top ofthe stairs where you can jump onto the ledges on either the left or right sides.Looking down the stairs, jump onto the ledge on your left.

Follow the narrowledge to the end of the hall where, there on your left, is a niche. Enter it andopen the treasure chest. Return to the top of the stairs and take the oppositeledge. The third niche has some floating gold and a metal Shield of theCrusader, which greatly enhances your defences. Head back to the ledge andcontinue on your way.

The second last niche has a skeleton ghost inhabitant whois wearing banded armour, an improvement over the scale armour you should bewearing. Go back to the stairs, then back to the diverging path. Take the leftfork. Go into the smaller door. Continue down the stairs and clear the largerroom from it's inhabitants. In one of the two sets of shelves lies Mica's Key.Pick it up and go down the other passage. Ignore the alcoves and destroy theskeleton ghost.

Take both the left and fright branches and kill the earthelemental at either end. Go back to the last door you opened and open the dooron the right - you have to equip Mica's Key to unlock the door.Follow the new passage and kill all skeletons that you find. You'll hitthe gate. Open it to enter the Duskwood.The DuskwoodHeal yourself and be prepared for some rough housing with the locals - thedashers. They attack you in groups of twos and threes and can kill you quiteeasily if you don't defend yourself. Use your fire ball spell to damage groupsof charging dashers.When you begin here, simply head straight - there is no where else to gobut back.

Continue until you see a sign post. This,means that there are ogresahead. So be careful! Run into the glade and slay as many ogres as you want thengo to any of the two signless paths and work your way to the next sign post. Theogre there has a shield of Quality. Continue along the path until it loads upthe next area.Keep following the path until the area widens.

A dasher here is carrying aHeroism Spell Book. You are now in the Dasher Village. Kill the remainingdashers in the area and head to the area directly opposite from the way youentered the village. Follow the path until it splits into two. Since you want togo to Corantha head right.

Straight leads you to the Eastern Stronghold.CoranthaGo straight and talk to the dwarven guards to learn that they aresuffering from civil war. Continue and cross the bridge. Enter the fort andcheck the shops. Continue by going straight across from the hall you justentered the square by and follow the road until you see an opening in the righthand wall. Go through it and into the circular room.

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Pick up the three potionsand the Stone Skin Spell Book from the bench then go into the other room to talkto the counsellors. They 'ask' you to retrieve their prince who is being heldcaptive in the mines.

Go back to the road and continue on your way to get to themines.Corantha MinesGo straight and jump down. On the bridge over the lava there is a TorchLight Spell Book.

Go straight and you'll meet a pair of hostile dwarves. Killthem and you'll meet a pair of hostile dwarves. Kill them and you'll see thatyou are at a junction. Either path takes you to the right place. The onlydifference is the resistance down both corridors.

Down the right path you'llfight earth elementals and down the left path you'll only fight dwarves. Takewhichever you want! The left way is easier, so when you go down it, you willquickly come to an intersection where there is a ramp on the left. The rampleads back to the last junction, so go straight ahead until it loads a new area.Go straight until you hit a larger room.

From here go straight across intothe corridor (the other is blocked) and continue until you hit a room withbubbling lava at the bottom. Jump to the lower ledge to get another Fire BallSpell Book. Then proceed to the next ledge. Go straight and battle the sextet ofdwarves that converge on you. Then take a left, then another left at the nextintersection. Then continue on until you come across a room with a floor oflava.

There you'll battle your first fire elemental. Attack it with a bluntweapon. After you've killed it, jump across the little platforms to get to theother side.

Continue until you get to a large room with a fire elemental in it.Kill it and head to the cut stone wall near the lava. Jump up and catch hold ofit and continue going until you hit a large room with both a fire and earthelemental in it. Kill them and head to the cell to rescue the prince.With the prince in tow you quickly make it back to the council hall todiscover that you need to return the Scepter of Regency before you can get theHorn of Shattering. The Scepter of Regency was stolen by the Ogres of Duskwood.Duskwood RevisitedLeave Coantha and head left at the first intersection.

Continue headingstraight, past the town until a new area is loaded dup. At the firstintersection you come to head right and kill the first ogre you see. He drops aSoul Drink Spell Book. On the left you'll soon see a little opening. Head inthere to battle the ogre leader and to get the King's Scepter and the DasherNecklace. Hurry back to Corantha.

When you get back to the Dasher Village lookon the left side and you'll see a wagon. Pick up the Mace of the Righteous.Back to the CitadelAfter you've given Dain the Septer of Regency and gotten the Horn ofShattering, head back to the citadel.The Duskwood is full of enemies again, so kill them all. When you exit theDasher Village (on your way to the first part of the wood) there is a dashercarrying a Heroism Spell Book.

Pick it up after you kill him. Right before theentrance to the Catacombs there is a giant ogre. Kill him for lots ofexperience. Enter the Catacombs.On your way stop off where you got the Fire Ball Spell Book to get theMace of Unbridled Faith. After the spiral bridge there is a dark mage that iscarrying the Fist of Necros and the Boomer Axe. After you exit the naturaltunnels and get up to the main floor you'll be swarmed by skeleton spirits andskeleton ghosts. There is also a spirt warrior here.

Kill him to get thepowerful Shadow Blade. You can get a Vampiric Shield and a Blade of Hunger fromwhere you got the Shield of Swiftness in Action.

Finally, on the bridge near theexit there is a Lightning Spell Book. Quickly runout and head to the ship.You'll get transported to the Citadel.Go talk to Celestia and she'll tell you that several of her Crusaders havegone missing in the Glaciers. Ursan was their leader. Well back you go to theCatacombs!Compendium of MonstersSkeleton WarriorThe skeleton warrior will from the brunt of the forces arrayed againstyou, at least at the beginning of the game. They are the least powerful soldiersin Necros' Legion of the Fallen, yet they can still TKO you in seconds, if theyare in large groups or you simply leave your guard down!They are usually armed with a common weapon, such as a longsword or maceand a shield. They take a single hit to kill, at least on squire difficulty, andusually offer up no defence. They do become harder when confronted in groups, sobeing defensive and timing your strikes carefully is the key to victory.

Singleskeleton warriors may dodge your blows and counterattack, if you assail themfrom too far.Dead skeleton warriors are worth practically nothing in experience andthey may drop Potions of Healing or gold when they die. Both are valuablecommodities that you shouldn't pass up.Skeleton GhostSkeleton ghosts look like skeleton warriors, except that they arepartially translucent, ie. You can see through them. They are armed slightlybetter than their weaker cousins and often hold Potions of Greater Healing andother rare equipment.In combat you have to bring the battle to them, because they'll wait foryou to engage them. Instead they'll sit there, letting their guards hack you topieces, while they themselves sit tight and hurl spells at you at will. In meleethey are a bit more defensive than the regular skeleton warriors. They timetheir attacks to get through your defences, so you are better off killing themright after they cast a spell since they are defenceless.DasherThe dashers live in the Duskwood.

They are extremely agile and quick andusually attack in groups of two or four. They make fierce opponents and theytend to swarm you from three directions. It's a good thing that they have noqualms about slaying their own comrades to get a strike at you, so try to keepthem all in front of you!Dashers carry Healing Potions for you to pick up after their deaths, butnot always. They are usually armed with rocks tied to sticks, or as they un-imaginarily call it, the Dasher Weapon.OgreBig ugly brutes. They stand taller than you and simply say 'Bye bye!' Whenthey die and after such things. They arm themselves with axes and clubs.

Theypack a wallop when they hit and they take multiple hits to lay flat. Plus theyambush you in groups, bing the thieves they are. You are much better off aiminga fire ball at an ogre group then charging in recklessly.Earth ElementalEarth elementals are dumb old rocky beasts. They charge in and try tosmash you to pulp.

And they tend to do just that. They smash you, they mash you,then they smash you some more.Furthermore, slashing weapons bounce off their rocky armour, as well aspartially slashing weapons. Use a warhammer or mace to mush them first. Use airspells on them to smash them more easily.Fire ElementalFire Elementals look like earth elements, except they are bigger, meaner,and evese. They can kill you in seconds with their large fists, so don't get tooclose to them. They are immune to fire of all kinds and they are weak to waterattacks. Otherwise a couple strikes from the head of a warhammer to their headis a sure way to kill them.Dark MageDark mages look like really buff skeletons from far, but they look morefrightening from close up.

They cast spells at you, like Soul Drinker and FireBall and usually carry cool items. They are hard to kill and I have as of yetfought only three of them so I can't tell you more.DwarfShort stocky creatures that live in Corantha. Most are good, but you'llsoon meet up with the Ironpick Clan, the group that kidnapped Prince Dain ofCorantha.There are two types of dwarves. The shorter ones are armed with Warhammersand better amour. The taller ones have leather armour and wield pick axes. Theshorter ones are harder to kill as you have to remember that you have to aimdown or your weapon will pass over their heads. Neither are particular hard tokill they are like short skeleton warriors with skin, muscles and beards.ShadowsAlso referred to as spirit warriors, these are translucent warriors thatare almost invisible to the eye, except for their weapons.

This changes laterwhen they use Shadow Blades at which point they are almost completely invisible!Killing them is no problem when you have seen them, so beat them into theground when you see them! No mercy!Weapon DescriptionSwordsLongsword: +10 Slash damage. Just a plain old sword found almosteverywhere dropped mostly by skeleton warriors. They are worth 120 gold pieces.Longsword of Quality: +14 Slash damage.

Harder to find they can be boughtfrom the weapon shop either at the Citadel, or at Corantha, but only the firsttime you visit them. These weapons are valued at 300 gold pieces.Lonsword of the Crusader: +20 Slash damage. You can buy this sword at theweapon shop in the Citadel for 700 gold pieces.Broad Sword: +10 Slash, +5 Bash damage. This sword can sometimes be stolenfrom skeleton warriors.

They sell for 150 gold pieces.Blade of the Morning Prayer: +12 Slash, +3 Bash, +10 Light damage. This swordcan be bought in the Corantha shop after the return of the Scepter of Regency.Shadow Blade: +10 Slash, +5 Bash, +15 Dark Damage. These blades are semi-translucent and are sometimes dropped by spirit warriors. They are only worth 10gold pieces.Blade of the Burning Heart: +10 Slash, +3 Bash, +10 Fire damage.

Thisblade can be found on a daemon's body somewhere between the Citadel and theWestern Stronghold after you bring back the Horn Of Shattering. It is worth 750gold pieces.Blade of Hunger: +10 Slash damage. They seem to be the standard weapon ofsome demons and lizardmen. You find one in the Catacombs when you have the Horn,and there is also one in the back of the first town's weapon shop when you havethe Horn. They sell for 1000 gold pieces each.AxesAxe: +5 Slash, +5 Bash damage. These axes are carried by some skeletonwarriors and the better part of ogres. They are worth 100 gold pieces.Battle Axe: +8 Slash, +5 Bash damage.

These axes are carried by manydifferent enemies. They are worth 150 gold pieces.Axe of the Western Storms: +8 Slash, +8 Bash, +8 Air damage. You can buythis axe in Corantha for 450 gold pieces, but only when you first enter.Winter's Axe: +8 Slash, +6 Bash, +6 Water.

This weapon can be bought inCorantha after the return of the Scepter of Regency. 350 gold pieces.Boomer Axe: +20 Bash damage. This axe is the first ranged weapon that Ifound.

You get it from the first demon you kill in the Catacombs when you returnwith the Horn. It's worth 1600 gold pieces.

Even though it's a cool weapon, Irecommend selling it, because in melee it's an awkward weapon. After you'vethrown it, and try to attack again, you'll draw another weapon. And the axe willstrike you, most likely in the head and rebound off you - possibly off a ledgeor into water, or anywhere else that it is inaccessible.MacesMace: +10 Bash damage. This weapon is carried by some skeleton warriors. You canalso buy it in the first town for 100 gold pieces.Heavy Mace: +8 Slash, +14 Bash damage. Some enemies towards the middle ofthe game use this weapon.

It sells for 150 gold pieces.Mace of the Righteous: + 10 Bash, +10 Light damage. Found in the Duskwoodwhen you are looking for the Scepter of Regency.

It is lying by a wagon in theDasher Village. It is worth 900 gold pieces.Mace of Unbridled Faith: +10 Bash, +14 Light damage. An awesome weapon todisarm and slay skeletons and spirits. You find it in the Catacombs, where youonce found a Fire Ball Spell Book. It's worth 1200 gold pieces.HammersWarhammer: +16 Bash damage. A weapon used by dwarves and sometimes, butnot often by skeleton warriors.

They are worth 200 gold pieces.Obsidian Hammer: +15 Bash, +10 Earth damage. You can buy this hammer inthe Corantha shops for 100 gold pieces. This bargain is only available when youfirst enter the city of the dwarves.Drujer's Wrathful Hammer: +30 Bash, +6 Earth damage.

This warhammer costs1100 gold pieces in Corantha's Weapon shop after you've returned the Scepter ofRegency.Fist of Necros: +10 Bash, +15 Dark damage. Found after you kill your firstdemon, this hammer is worth 10 gold pieces.Thunderous Hammer: +15 Bash, +10 Air damage. This weapon is found in theCatacombs and is rather important at the start of your quest. It's worth 800gold pieces.Other WeaponsHalberd: +20 Slash damage. Worth a measly 50 gold pieces.Morning Star: +5 Slash, + 10 Bash damage. A rare weapon that sells for 200 goldpieces.Pick Axe: +9 Slash damage.

A weapon used by dwarves. Sells for 50 gold pieces.Calder's Pick: +16 Slash, +4 Bash damage. Costs 600 gold pieces inCorantha's shop after the return of the Scepter.Hellstar: +5 Slash, +10 Bash, +1 Fire damage. Costs 500 gold pieces inCorantha after the return of the Scepter.ArmourA hero can equip one suit of armour, one shield and two rings at a time.It is recommended that you wear your armour in a way that maximizes yourprotection from weapons, as well as from the elements.

Some pieces of armourenhance your skills and are prized for this attribute.Armour or MailScale Armour: +10% vs Slash, +10% vs Bash. The first suit of armour you get inthe game.

It costs 150 gold pieces, or one and a quarter longswords in the firsttown.Banded Armour: +19% vs Slash, +19% vs Bash. You get your first suit of bandedarmour in the Catacombs. It sells for 250 gold pieces.Light Plate Mail: +30% vs Slash, +30% vs Bash. Available in the Citadel'sshop for 400 gold pieces, but only after Drake has the Horn of Shattering.Banded Mail of Reason: +19% vs Slash, +19% vs Bash.

You can buy this suitof mail for 1100 gold pieces after yo have returned with the Scepter inCorantha. It adds a bonus of +5 points to your Intelligence, which also ads tothe potency of your spells and your mana total.Dragon Scale Armour: +50% vs Slash, +50% vs Bash, -20% vs Light, -20% vsDark. This suit of armour is for sale in the Citadel for 1600 gold pieces. It ispowerful against physical attacks, but weak against some magic spells andweapons like Shadow Blades.Plate of Elemental Protection: +30% vs Slash/Bash/Air/Earth/Fire/Water.

Anawesome suit of armour than can be bought in Corantha after the Scepter has beenattained. The price is 1600 gold pieces.ShieldsWooden Shield: Found everywhere. Blocks only weak blows. Cost 30 gold pieces.Metal Shield: Found everywhere.

Blocks all but the strongest blows. Costs 50gold pieces.Metal Shield of Quality: Up to a +9% bonus against Slash and Bash attacks.Valued at 500 gold pieces.Shield of Enviable Health: Available in Corantha's shop for 650 goldpieces as soon as you find the place. A bonus of +5 is applied to Drake'sEndurance.Shield of Sanctuary (Metal): Up to a +19% bonus to your defences againstSlash and bash attacks. Costs 1400 gold pieces in Corantha's shops after theScepter has been procured.Shield of the Crusader (Metal): Up to a +18% bonus to your defencesagainst Slash and Bash damage.

Found in the Catacombs. Worth 900 gold pieces.Shield of Swiftness in Action (Wooden): This shield grants Drake a +5bonus to his speed ability. Found in the Catacombs - worth 650 gold pieces.Reflective Shield (Metal): Worth 800 gold pieces. I believe that itreflects spells when yo block against them, but I'm not sure. Found in the firsttown after you return with the Horn.Vampiric Shield (Metal): Found in the Catacombs when you have the Horn.Worth 2000 gold pieces.

Probably protects the holder from Soul Drink spells andtheir equivalent.RingsAmber Ring of Quickness (600): +5 bonus to speed. Found in the Catacombs.Dragontamer's Ring (400): Up to a +25% bonus to Fire defence. Bought whenyou first get to Corantha.Jade Ring of Thought (200): +5 bonus to Intelligence. Found on your secondtrop through the Catacombs.Tips and Tricks1. Take all the weapons and armour your opponents drop and sell them.At the beginning of the game this a very useful practice. It allows you togather thousands of gold pieces that you can use to buy magical items later on.This is your major source of cash.2. Search all the corpses you find (or help create) for special items andpotions.

All potions will be invaluable later on.3. The game has a quicksave and quickload feature (F5 and F7respectively.) Save regularly to save time and your nerves!4. Learn which weapons work best on each foe. Some enemies are immune to certaintypes of weapons (Slash, Bash) or against certain elements. Always carry atleast two weapons, one that is totally of the slash type and one that is totallyof the bash type.

Also carry weapons of various element persuasions. Don't relytoo much on a single element - you might encounter an enemy that is resistant orimmune to it!5. Never leave an enemy standing - a living enemy is a dangerous enemy! Theymight attack you the next time you pass or they might simply attack your back.This also allows you to gain more expensive and raise your levels quicker.6. Explore every area thoroughly.

Exploring helps you find more stuff and morecreatures to kill. Even though I detail a specific path through the game, feelfree to explore off the detailed path. I recommend you try to find your own waythrough.7. Learn how the spells work and how they can be used to your benefit. Forexample, throwing a fireball at an enemy from a distance is fine, but is it aseffective when they are close? Most enemies can survive a singlefireball and it leaves you defenceless.

It's even more dangerous to use oneagainst a group of creatures! But, on the other hand, a fireball aimed at yourfeet will likely damage the area around you and would likely blow them all back,allowing you to strike quickly or escape. A lot of spells have multiple uses.8.

Stay on the defensive when attacking a group of enemies. Let themcreate their own openings in their defences. It is simply easier to waitand let them make their own mistakes.SpellsYou get spells finding spell books hidden throughout the realm of Ardon.These are three spell books for each spell (except for Torch Light) and eachsubsequent use of a spell book increases the level of the spell, either makingit more versatile or more powerful.For further description on spell book location refer to the walkthrough.Torch LightLevel 1: Phantom GlowYou start the game with this spell. It simply makes light in a scroll radiusaround you.Level 2: Torch LightThe level 2 version has double the light radius of Phantom Glow. The book can befound at the beginning of the Corantha Mines on a bridge over some lava.Fire BallLevel 1: Flame StrikeThrow a small ball of fire at an enemy.

Found in the Catacombs.Level 2: Fire BallThe fire balls seek targets. Found on a ledge in the CoranthanMines.Stone SkinLevel 1: Stone SkinFound in the Catacombs in the swinging bridge area.

Temporarily raises yourarmour class versus bashing and slashing weapons.Level 2: Granite ArmourThe book is sitting on a bench in the City Council Hall in Corantha. Raises yourarmour class more than the level 1 version.HeroismLevel 1: HeroismIncreases Drake's Might. Found on a dasher's body when you first enter theDasher Village.Level 2: Champion's BreathIncreases both his Might and Speed scores. Found on another Dasher's body afteryou have the Horn of Shattering. This dasher guards the path beyond the DasherVillage (on your way to the Catacombs).Soul DrinkerLevel 1: Life LeechFound on an ogre's corpse when going for the Scepter of Regency. Damages theenemy and heals you a bit.

May reverse if the target has no life force!Lightning BoltLevel 1: SparksHits a single target. Found on your way out of the Catacombs when you have theHorn. It's right near the exit (the one where you leave to get to the Citadel.)The copying in whole or in part of this guide is strictly prohibitted. Thisguide is written up by me, and typed by a close friend, Shick. Crusaders ofMight and Magic is a trademark of 3do.