Armored Core Verdict Day Review

  пятница 08 мая

Ok now before i Even begin let me just state that i am a hard core Armored Core fan and have been with the series for over a decade. So you know now your getting a fan's opinion of this.

AC: verdict Day is the follow up game to V it runs the same engine so the core game its self is largely the same so i wont go into too much detail about it later on. Instead i'll focus more on the new Ok now before i Even begin let me just state that i am a hard core Armored Core fan and have been with the series for over a decade. So you know now your getting a fan's opinion of this. AC: verdict Day is the follow up game to V it runs the same engine so the core game its self is largely the same so i wont go into too much detail about it later on. Instead i'll focus more on the new features. Armored Core: Verdict Day is a mech simulator game in which players design their own Armored core (AC for short) from the ground up with a large varity of parts (legs, core, head, arms, FCS, generator, boosters, left and right arm weapons, shoulder-mounted weapons and support systems) and pilot these in story missions and online play against other players and their AC designs.

Brutal robot-destroying fun is buried deep, but this giant mech battling series could still use an oil change.

Possible AC configurations can range from light weight speedy mechs to heavy weight tank tread AC and everything in between and with over 25 different types of weapons and hundreds to chose from you'll be able to tailor your AC to your prefered combat style. Verdict Day seeks to maintain the focus the previous game had on multiplayer action by building upon its old system and aliveating some of the fustrastion of the previous game. Verdict features a new Persistent online mode called the Verdict War where three factions fight for control of the map. Players upon starting the game are ask to either create or join a team of players and then select one of 3 main factions to side with for the war. Players also have the option to play as mercenaries and fight for any faction as they please.

Each verdict war last a week season or until one faction controls the map completely. The winning faction wins the ablility to run special boss missions in between the season downtime which give players a reason to want to win.

And factions can be changed at the begining of each season. The combat in the verdicts wars plays very similar to ACV in which you attack territories lower their base points then invade for the capture.

The improvements such as better matchmaking and UNACs(will go into more details on UNACs later) make the verdict wars very much enjoyable to play. The game also retains free battle which are seperate multiplayer lobbies. In addition to the Verdict Wars, the new UNAC system which is similar to the A.I AC in AC:silent line is quite the marvel. UNAC or Un-Named AC are A.I controlled AC the players can bring along on either world and special sorties(Verdict war missions) and story missions. UNACs are unlocked after reacher a certain point in the games story mode and can be use to fill in missing player spots in the available game more.

The game offers a number of default UNAC to choose from, however players can create their own customs UNACs if the standards arent working for you. The UNACs feature a highly customizeable and adaptive A.I that can be upgraded in 2 ways. Either spending in game currency to lvl up different aspect of combat or more interestingly, you can feed it combat data from any player in one of you world sortie operation log. Unlike A.I teammates or opponets in other games. UNACs are every fair and fair and very viable. Having a team of UNACs is not a disadvantage in its self and they can pose quite a threat if their A.I is upgraded properly. Verdict Day has a slightly new story mission format with a total of 60 missions 10 story and 50 side missions.

As always in an armored core game the story is more of a means to earn cash then to find something truly entertaining. Missions layouts are simple you either have to destroy all targets in the combat zone or eliminate other AC(s) the story is there but nothing to impressive.

But player are sure to find several missions that they will enjoy quite a bit. Also story mode supports full 2 player online coop or UNAC support once unlock. Upon completion the game offers several hardcore modes that will challenge even the most grizzled veterens AC: Verdict Day also features and Expansion of parts you can use to customized yours and your UNACs ACs. With part types returning to the series such as weapon arms(arms that are weapons in them selves) and shields. A multitude of weapons ranging from rifles, gatling guns, sniper rifles, laser rifle cannons, railguns, missiles CIWS bomblets E war systems missiles, Ultimate Weapons etc.

And now for the best part the cons. Verdict days does nothing to improve on its lack luster and unintuitive UI which has been a prime concerns for many.

Also the games lacks a tutorial that explains anything outside of combat there are a few tool tips but they do not explain things very well. Overall the games new player experience is piss poor. The story missions ramp up in difficulty very early on and unless your skill as a pilot improves quickly you'll need to have help on most missions past 20. AC:VD is a game designed with its fans in mind and while returning fan with feel right at home newcomers may feel alienated but dont let that discourage you Expand. Okay, before I kick things off I wanna address something. I get the feeling the dudes who gave this game a bad review (I.E. The 4 and FA veterans) played the game for all of an hour or two, then quit.

This game is NOTHING like the previous AC games in that gameplay is based around running, gunning, flying, and fast finger work. VD forces the player to actually stop, assess the situation Okay, before I kick things off I wanna address something.

I get the feeling the dudes who gave this game a bad review (I.E. The 4 and FA veterans) played the game for all of an hour or two, then quit. This game is NOTHING like the previous AC games in that gameplay is based around running, gunning, flying, and fast finger work. VD forces the player to actually stop, assess the situation and plan an attack that'll dispatch the enemies while you take minimal damage, your skill as a pilot is determined in how effectively you can deal with these enemies while taking as few hits and staying as unpredictable as possible. You gotta be smart and skilled if you wanna take on the monstrosities from software left waiting for you in this game considering everything you face has the real threat of killing you in a matter of seconds depending on how your AC is built. Story wise, it's pretty simple, if not lacking.

There's 60 missions but only 10 of them actually show progress in the story, the rest are filler to unlock the real story missions. That's not to say they aren't easy or interesting, most of them are gonna be fighting another AC, and if you're not careful they can just as easily mop the floor with you as you can to some of them. The real story missions however, are an utter joy to play, they either introduce some cool new AC to fight against, or an army of allies to back you up against impossible odds. It gets crazy pretty fast, but that shouldn't be anything new to you by the time you reach mission 3. Customization's been completely overhauled too, making literally every part bolted on your AC an integral part that can be possibly crippling to the mech if so much as one part doesn't suit your combat style.

For example in my history of AC, I've never actually spent a good 5 minutes seriously contemplating which FCS to equip, since each one has a dramatically different setup, making the one that suited me that much harder to figure out. Back in 4 and FA it felt like the smaller parts were.well smaller in that they weren't as important, sure FCS dictated range for lock-on and all, but VD feels much more refined in that the FCS, generator and even the boosters split up in three different types makes perfect sense, hell it's necessary to figure out how each one works if you wanna build the perfect AC. An interesting design choice though is that there aren't anymore back-mounted weapons or radar, instead there can be 2 sets of handheld weapons while radar and stuff is built in the head, making them that much more important. The game also gives an interesting value to legs never really seen before, in that reverse-jointed mechs can jump better and are more stable, while tank legs don't require the mech to stop and enter a sniping mode for the heavier-duty weapons like auto cannons and enormous howitzers. The parts all just come together better to make up the AC, it gives me a genuine sense of pride every time I see the mech I spent hours and hours tuning and setting up to make sure it perfectly suits me, right down to my emblem. Then the gameplay just makes everything feel so real.

It feels to me like one of the most realistic attempts every made at a mech combat game, right down that loud echo whenever you fire a rifle. Sure flying's out, which makes the new mechanic of wall jumping that much more important to getting out of a hairy situation quickly instead of just relying on quick boosting your way out. Another addition is scan mode, which lets you analyze an enemy mech and check out which of your weapons'll hurt them most. It adds to the strategic value of the game, making it feel realistic.

There isn't a whole lot of realism in just flying in guns blazing, wiping out everything and anyone to me. Yes, there are problems.

The main colors for every background is either brown or grey, and the graphics are PS2 era, which I'm assuming is to reduce lag. And this game is brutal on newcomers, considering the menus take getting used to, and they start you off with an AC chock full of junk parts.

I'm not even gonna go into how complicated it is to program the UNAC drones either, since I still can't figure it out after months of playing! Thank god they have pre-set ones that are pretty good at what they were designed for. But anyone who digs mechs should give this game a chance, it may seem dated in some regions, but the charm of the game more than makes up for it. I feel a genuine sense of giddiness every time I sent my mech into battle, laughing like a madman while jumping past barrage after barrage, turning every mech on the map into a smoking crater. As a hardcore fan of the series (Meaning that I have played the series before AC4 and AC:4A) I personally think this is a welcome returned to the games roots (Where you COULDN'T fly without a dedicated build, you fake 'hardcore' fans).

Serious though. Try making a tank fly before AC3. It was pretty impossible. On that note. Grab the Ho Vital engine and some Shinatsu boosters, and As a hardcore fan of the series (Meaning that I have played the series before AC4 and AC:4A) I personally think this is a welcome returned to the games roots (Where you COULDN'T fly without a dedicated build, you fake 'hardcore' fans). Serious though.

Try making a tank fly before AC3. It was pretty impossible.

On that note. Grab the Ho Vital engine and some Shinatsu boosters, and with careful 2nd and 3rd stage boosting (Tell me you are a diehard fan without knowing the difference between 1st, 2nd and 3rd stage boosting. I dare you), and you can easily stay at the height limit for entire matches (aka, dedicate your build to being airborne, don't expect it on a silver platter) The game focuses a lot more on Planning and Mech build than it on fingerwork and reflexes, which is much more a set AWAY from the 'modern' shooters. They have put an enormous load on online and teamwork, which can definitely be a hindrance if you are a solo-player, but the Multiplayer in this game.

Is simply unparralleled. The multiplayer is what I would best describe as a mix between free battles in previous installments, along with the teamwork and planning of a large scale assault from ChromeHounds. Just to establish: I LOVE AC4 and AC4A. I gave AC4 a 10/10 and love it to death.

That being said. I purchased ACV Vday last week and slammed it in my PS3 with much anticipation. What I got after the standard 30 minutes of installs, was a convoluted menu of confusion for about 30 more minutes. It took that long just to figure out how to begin the FIRST MISSION.

Absolutely Just to establish: I LOVE AC4 and AC4A. I gave AC4 a 10/10 and love it to death. That being said. I purchased ACV Vday last week and slammed it in my PS3 with much anticipation. What I got after the standard 30 minutes of installs, was a convoluted menu of confusion for about 30 more minutes. It took that long just to figure out how to begin the FIRST MISSION. Absolutely unacceptable.

It screams to me that this game was not playtested at all. I looked past that though and started to actually play the game.

At first I was in shock and disbelief. '.they didn't.' I thought to myself.

Soon after I realized the horrible truth. They took the AC's ability to fly away.

Disgusted, but willing to try it out anyway I continued. As I fought enemies I realized three things right away. 1: The guns are boring. 2: The missiles are boring. 3: This game was boring. I started to play around with the different classes of AC's but realized there was no point.

They all felt the same. They also took away the auto targeting and radar system from 4, which basically turned the game into a FPS that just has a robot on the screen. It didn't feel like I was playing a game as a giant robot. It felt boring, and dull.

Also, in AC4 you could destroy skyscrapers. You can't do that anymore.

You know that old saying, If it's not broke, don't fix it? Well this games programmers must have thought the saying went 'If it's perfect and awesome, completely scratch that idea and start over, and change everything so that it's far more lame in every facet, but it's okay because we'll make money because people will think that it's just a better version of the previous game, but it's not. I mean, what if CoD did this? What if CoD suddenly went 3rd person, and got rid of aiming down the scope?

Or suddenly decided that headshots didn't deal extra damage? Or what if they made another assassins creed game but turned it into a turn based rpg? I mean, that's almost the amount of extremity that this franchise has reformed to, but it's not evolving, it's devolving. Honestly, this game FEELS like it should be for PS1. The fact that you can't fly, but your AC jumps very quickly up in the air, then get's hit on the head by some sort of nerf-ceiling, only to float slowly down to the ground, makes this game FEEL like a video game.

They weren't even smart enough to get rid of that obnoxious 'leaving battle zone' bs they had in part 4. Is improvement on the previous too much to aspire towards?! Did they lose the rights to the engine? Tldr; Don't buy this game.

I have played every armored core game there is, yes even that obscure PSP game where you build AIs and don't really pilot your mech. I'm a huge fan of the series with thousands of hours across games since the original PS1 demo. I can say for sure that AC5 is possibly one of the worst games I have ever played! Not only from the AC franchise.

This game is complete garbage. The mechs feel I have played every armored core game there is, yes even that obscure PSP game where you build AIs and don't really pilot your mech. I'm a huge fan of the series with thousands of hours across games since the original PS1 demo. I can say for sure that AC5 is possibly one of the worst games I have ever played! Not only from the AC franchise. This game is complete garbage.

The mechs feel like you're playing steel battalion, they completely forgot what AC was about and made it another bland FPS ala CoD. The mechs are slow as. they CAN'T fly.

The graphics look terrible, everything is brown and uninspired, the story is non existent, the controls and HUDs are a nightmare, there is no customization like there used to be, when you start the garage is empty and so is the store (wtf), no arena like there used to be, you get an invite to fight after a mission, did I mention there's flying???? This game is complete. It's right up there with Big Rigs over the road racing and Road to hell.

The ONLY cool feature is the Japanese voice computer and even then is not worth it. I can't believe ANYONE in their right mind would give this game a score above 3/10! It seems From Software now has a ton of fame from recycling the same game over and over (Dark Souls) So I guess that's the end of this beloved franchise. Such a shame. One of those games that makes you realize why there's a no refund policy on PSN.

This game is chock full of terrible UI, with many of the common things you'll be needing (like mech assembly) being behind several menus. You're unable to participate in the Verdict War unless you join or create a team and given that the teams that will be available to you are all comprised of one member each One of those games that makes you realize why there's a no refund policy on PSN. This game is chock full of terrible UI, with many of the common things you'll be needing (like mech assembly) being behind several menus.

You're unable to participate in the Verdict War unless you join or create a team and given that the teams that will be available to you are all comprised of one member each you can kind of guess where that's going to go. (Pro tip: You'll want to create your own because after a season end you'll be forced to wait for the founder to choose who to fight for before you can play again). Then you get to the missions, which are absolutely -ABYSSMAL. You can play through the story and experience all that has to offer (which isn't much) but it's usually the same rinse wash and repeat cycle: Hit L1 to activate boost, skip over to your target, shoot them, collect bacon. Now, the Verdict War is even more hilarious because they're EXCEPTIONALLY difficult. Not even challenging, just punishing. They seem to have balanced each individual sortie with an entire team in mind and it really shows when they want you to kill 20+ targets in under 2 minutes with starter gear that is underperforming because it is damaged.

The really jacked up part is that you don't receive any income unless the mission has been completed, so no reward for even partial completion but to add insult to injury they also make you pay for your ammunition and repairs (which you will incur a lot of). The game is completely unplayable for a solo player just installing the game from the store and the lack of a notable playerbase shows with the game, despite it being relatively new. The general gist is that you're going to want to have friends who play the game before you even jump into it so that you can bumble about together with the lackadaisical gameplay until you get bored of playing the same missions over and over again.

And don't even get me started on the worst music you will ever hear in your life: Expand. I gave it a 3 because after about the 6 part of the story (the Lilith fight) the game just starting purgin my weapons for no reason. I'd have a gatlingun with about 3k rounds with other weapons. I even equipped 4 just to test the glitch. Talismania deluxe crack free download.

Sure enough, it just throws them down at the beginning of the match for no reason after shooting it twice. So with 4 gatlinguns and it still doing that I gave it a 3 because after about the 6 part of the story (the Lilith fight) the game just starting purgin my weapons for no reason. I'd have a gatlingun with about 3k rounds with other weapons. I even equipped 4 just to test the glitch. Sure enough, it just throws them down at the beginning of the match for no reason after shooting it twice. So with 4 gatlinguns and it still doing that on that fight I tried on other levels. The glitch continues.

I've tried to reinstall and look for a solution to no avail. Of course, the douchers who sell us crap like this think they can get away with ripping people off. That really needs to change. We need some kind of consumer rights invoked on things like that. Great game except if you get it from the PS store. Then you might have problems or maybe its the game.

This was my first AC game and i just beat it. I was interested because FromSoftware also design the dark souls games and I must say I was really impressed. While it does take some time to get used to designing your mech it was actually a lot simpler than expected. The story missions were fun to play through and there are a lot of them so there's quite a lot of single player content.

Mostly This was my first AC game and i just beat it. I was interested because FromSoftware also design the dark souls games and I must say I was really impressed. While it does take some time to get used to designing your mech it was actually a lot simpler than expected.

The story missions were fun to play through and there are a lot of them so there's quite a lot of single player content. Mostly you fight other mechs but occasionally you have to clear the streets of weaker enemies. It's a very challenging and engaging style of gameplay which I'd certainly recommend. The reason i gave it a 9 instead of a 10 is because of the story. It's easily the weakest part of the game. Although information is given about the enemy mechs in text form and it's interesting to read about them there's almost no story.

If Armored Core 6 features a well fleshed out and engaging storyline or at least a more engaging world for players then it could finally make this series get the attention it deserves.

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