Frostpunk Guide

  вторник 24 марта

Frostpunk Guide: Frostpunk is developed and published by 11 bit Studios, the creators of This War of Mine, Frostpunk takes you into a icy world. Frostpunk does a decent job of telling you how to play but it's easy to miss some finer points. With that in mind, this guide is here to give you some.

Frostpunk is city-building/resource management game by Polish indie developers, 11 Bit Studios. The game is set in 1886 in an alternate universe, where the sun has dimmed permanently, and the world has been thrust into global cooling. Temperatures routinely reach -30 degrees Celsius and millions of people have died due to widespread crop failure and the freezing temperatures.You start the game off as a commander in charge of a small community of people who have fled from the cold and hunger of London.

In the crater that you and the survivors have found, there’s a massive Generator which can be powered to give off heat, but it’s up to you to direct the citizens to find coal to keep it running, build shelters, hunt for food, and eventually pass laws to keep the community thriving and happy. Frostpunk is an amazing game, but it’s also quite tricky.

I failed and had to restart the game at least 15 times before reaching the end of the first scenario, and for different reasons most times; most commonly I had to restart because people began dying due to the Generator not having enough coal and turning off, not having enough food stockpiled, passing too many laws which made the community unhappy and them kicking me outyou name it!Because of the challenge of the game, I started taking tips on how I succeeded, and compiled a list to share with you. The first scenario, “A New Home”, is certainly difficult, but not impossible, and these tips will hopefully help you succeed as I did. Pause the game: when you first start, pause the game and take stock of your surroundings You’ll see piles of resources everywhere; start assigning your citizens to these piles and start collecting resources. Place 30 people on coal, 30 people on wood, 5 on steel.

Once you collect 200 coal, you’ll be asked to turn the Generator on. You don’t need to until night; -20 degrees Celsius is a liveable temperature during the day time.

Sign your first law: 24 hour shifts. Do not use it. Soon you’ll be able to sign the law for Extended Shifts. Sign this law, and you’ll find it easier to stay on top of collecting resources later. The lost bear ps4.

Build homes at night: you’ll receive a request to build homes- wait until you’re prompted, elect to build homes for all, and then place 8 Tents in the first ring around the Generator. Build one Medical Post in the first ring near the Generator (leave a space for a second Medical Post, which you’ll place later). Finally, turn on the Generator at night. Between 3-5 people will get sick the first night. Take 5 Engineers off one of your resource piles, and assign them to the Medical Post.

Turn the Generator back off during morning- for the first four days you’ll only need it at night. During the 2 nd night, build two Workshops and the Cookhouse; these can all go on the second ring. Build the second Medical Post, if needed. Assign 5 Workers to the cookhouse on day 3, and they’ll cook the raw food you have. Don’t use 3x speed during the working day, as you’ll need to keep an eye on your workers and resource piles, because things will constantly change throughout the day. As soon as your resource piles empty, start building proper workplaces, i.e Coal Thumper, Steelworks and Sawmill. Build extra storage when needed, and stockpile coal and food (late game, you’ll want to stockpile steel and steam cores).

Move workers around as necessary- anticipate needs and change workers accordingly. If you see the icon saying a workplace has reached capacity, empty it and move your workers elsewhere. Never have your citizens idle- every single person should be working during working hours. Do your building at night during free time, that way you’re not interrupting precious working hours for building (as citizens will abandon work to construct a new building, slowing down the collection time). Use Extended Shifts during emergencies (i.e.

A storm is coming, and you’re low on coal), but try to avoid 24 hours shifts as someone usually dies (I RARELY use 24 hour shifts, and after 30 in-game days, the only person who died was the 1 straggler from Winterhome). Dismantle buildings you no longer need to recover resources. These are only my suggestions/what worked best for me. This is a personal choice, I and suppose your mileage may vary either way. I have only done one play through with Faith, and found that it wasn’t effective, and I was kicked out of the community because Hope was so low/Discontent was too high. So I always choose Order, and choose the following laws:. Neighbourhood Watch Morning Gathering Foreman: the first two raise Hope, and the Foreman is a great boost for productivity in your workplaces.

Guard Stations Prison: the game will prompt you to choose this really, but it’s useful during The Londoners. Guard Stations Patrol: keeps violence/vandalism down and raises Hope. Guard Stations Propaganda Centre: raises Hope. The Generator should be monitored throughout all major temperature changes, and especially once you’ve researched insulation for your buildings. Every time you research a generator upgrade, it’ll automatically be turned on, make sure to flick it off if necessary.

Once you have your buildings properly insulated, you can likely sustain -60 degree temps with just Steam Level and Range Setting 1. Toggle the Temperature Overlay (the “O” button, or click on the thermometer on the top of the screen) to see a heat map. Any purple areas are freezing- if citizens are working there, provide heat. If you see an asterisk symbol above a workplace that means it’s freezing and your citizens can get sick or suffer from frostbite.

Place a Steam Hub nearby or turn on the Heater (you may have to do both). When the temp goes up, lower your Steam Level and turn off all unnecessary Steam Hubs/Heaters.

When the temp goes low (or during a storm), crank the generator up to the highest possible setting. You can also turn overdrive on temporarily for a heat boost.

Have a look at the Temperature Overlay and make sure everyone is at least in “Liveable” conditions and adjust accordingly. Coal is one of your most important assets during the game, so always ensure that you’ve got enough to last at least a week when your Generator is operating at its highest function. For more information on managing or withdrawing consents and how we handle data, visit our Privacy Policy at: Show Details NecessaryHubPages Device IDThis is used to identify particular browsers or devices when the access the service, and is used for security reasons.LoginThis is necessary to sign in to the HubPages Service.Google RecaptchaThis is used to prevent bots and spam. AkismetThis is used to detect comment spam. HubPages Google AnalyticsThis is used to provide data on traffic to our website, all personally identifyable data is anonymized. HubPages Traffic PixelThis is used to collect data on traffic to articles and other pages on our site.

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