Ant Raid Bait

  воскресенье 03 мая

Terro ant killer can be placed anywhere. It is a sweet bait which ants take and carry to their colonies, and this causes them to die within hours. Terro is a slow-acting poison designed to destroy an entire colony and has great user reviews for effectiveness. How Safe is Terro Ant Killer Around Pets? Terro is a highly recommended liquid ant bait. My dog just chewed a raid ant bait trap he is a lab 3 years old 80 lbs. It happened about 10 minutes ago.should I do anything. All the plastic is there and it seems most of the bait but he has gotten read more.

A few weeks ago, ants started to appear in our kitchen. Just a few at first, but then it quickly turned into a couple dozen. My wife was pretty laid back about it but — having suffered through an awful ant infestation when I was in university — was freaking out that if we didn’t do something to stop the problem we’d be overrun.Eliminating the ants was complicated by the fact that we now have a one-year-old boy who likes to crawl all over the kitchen.This meant the typical advice for getting rid of ants — eliminate any food that might be attracting them — was nearly impossible, as three times a day we had an infant chucking all manner of delicious morsels on the ground beneath his high chair.

As much as we tried to clean up after him, there was no way we were going to get every last thing. Article Sidebar. Article content continuedSecondly, it limited our choices in how to attack the ants, as we couldn’t have anything poisonous that he could easily pick up and eat.So, to start with, that left me with child-resisant ant traps — the kind where the ants are supposed to eat the bait and take the poison back to the nest to kill the whole colony. I could tell the ants were coming in from somewhere near our kitchen door, so I placed the traps right on their trail.

I started with. Then I tried the. And then.None of them worked. I would hover over the traps watching the ants walk right by them: I just could not get them to eat the baited poison inside.

Article content continuedThat left me trying to see if I could somehow build a barrier at the door to prevent the ants from coming in. I tried (which ants allegedly hate). I tried salt. I also tried, a “natural” product that various sites said by drying up their exoskeletons.None of it worked.I was about to call pest control and then thought I’d try just one more thing: liquid ant poison. When I bought the Ant-B-Gon Ant Traps at Home Depot, I’d also on a whim picked up a $5 bottle of.

Ironically, the cashier at Home Hardware had actually advised me against buying it, saying it was “basically the same thing” as the ant traps. Article content continuedI had been reluctant to use the liquid poison because, unlike the traps, it would be in the open air and so I didn’t feel comfortable using it when The Boy was around. However, I figured if I just put a couple of drops on a piece of cardboard, and only put it down when The Boy was asleep or in another room, it would be pretty safe.So one night, after The Boy went down to sleep, I put a couple of drops of poison on a piece of cardboard and placed it by the door. A few minutes later I went back and there were already a couple of ants eating the poison. An hour later, it was like an oasis in the desert: dozens of ants were crowding around the tiny drops of poison, waiting their turn to get their taste. Article content continuedEncouraged by the results, I put down another small piece of cardboard with another few drops on it. That too became overrun with ants feasting.At first, the poison’s success was a bit distressing: all of a sudden there were way more ants in my kitchen than had ever been there before.

However, they were only on the very edge, by the door. Now that they had found a reliable food source, they seemed a lot less interested in roaming around the kitchen.Indeed, so many ants were heading to the poison that, for the first time, I was able to look outside and see a trail of where they were coming in. So the next morning, I took the poison and actually put it outside the house. Within a couple hours, there wasn’t a single ant in my kitchen. Article content continuedAnd within 48 hours, the dozens of ants that were crammed on the poison outside had dwindled to just a tiny few. Obviously the poison had done its work.I can tell you, the next time we have an ant problem, I’m not going to fiddle around with ant traps.

I’m going to go straight for the liquid ant poison.While I used the Ant-B-Gon brand, it’s basically just a mixture of Borax and sugar water, which is sold under a number of different brand-names, including. In fact, some sites recommend you just.The label on the liquid ant poison warned to keep it out of reach of children and I was very careful to only use the mixture when The Boy was out of the room. Wikipedia has a section on the that says while it is not “acutely toxic”, it can “cause respiratory and skin irritation and ingestion may cause gastrointestinal distress”. Article content continuedBut while I think it’s wise to keep your kid out of the room if you’re using liquid ant posion, I don’t think the substance is so dangerous that you need to be paranoid about using it in your house if you have kids — especially in such tiny one- or two- drop quantities.Indeed, says that Borax is generally safe for humans and pets:Borax is a mineral that is mined in the desert in California and is a common active ingredient that is used in soap products such as 20 Mule Team Borax. The product kills ants but will not harm people or pets.

If you spill some on your skin there will be no reaction at all. Simply wash with warm water. Pets occasionally find the Terro and eat it. Our advice when this happens is to do nothing at all. The product is not toxic enough to cause a problem and the pet will be just fine.What about you? Have you had problems with ants or other critters?

If so, how did you get rid of them? Post a comment and let me know. Article Sidebar. CommentsPostmedia is committed to maintaining a lively but civil forum for discussion and encourage all readers to share their views on our articles. Comments may take up to an hour for moderation before appearing on the site. We ask you to keep your comments relevant and respectful. We have enabled email notifications—you will now receive an email if you receive a reply to your comment, there is an update to a comment thread you follow or if a user you follow comments.

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This article features some of the best ant baits and gels in the market for use to achieve long term ant pest control.

Ant baits is one of the most effective way to get rid of ants. They are also one of the best method that promise a long term stop to ant problems.

1TERRO T300B 2-Pack Liquid Ant Baits
2Advion Ant Gel
3Advance 375a Select Granular Ant Bait
4Advion Fire Ant Bait
5Maxforce Ant Bait Gel Poison
6Combat Ant Killing Gel Bait
7Optigard Ant Bait Gel

Ant baits contains both insecticides and attractants where ants are attracted to take the ‘bait’ thinking they are food and bring the food (poison) back to the ant colony and share with the queen as well as other ants. Hence potentially destroying the entire colony.

Most ant baits come packaged with the mixture of insecticide and food attractant in a plastic container. It works behind-the-scene and are a no mess and fuss approach to get rid of ants.

Blood wake drinking horn

[May: Ants have a sweet and protein cycle. Try using both or alternating between sugar-based bait and protein-based bait to increase effectiveness.]

Here are the advantages and disadvantages of using ant bait and gel:

  • Effective
  • Simple to set-up
  • Set-and-forget type of ant control
  • Potentially gets rid of ants completely in the long term
  • Does not provide instant kill
  • Ants might not take bait if applies wrongly
Note: Avoid using any ant insecticides, sprays or repellent near Ant Bait. The goal is to attract ants to take the bait and not to deter them.
Tips: Ant colonies are capable of actively switching its dietary preferences, so it’s important to switch between Protein-based and Sugar-based bait, or simply present them with both options.

TERRO T300B 2-Pack Liquid Ant Baits

Known for their Ant killer products, this liquid ant bait by Terro is specifically designed to kill ants in two to three days, giving enough time for foraging ants to share bait with the rest.

To set up – hold bait upright and cut off the colored part before placing bait. Depending on the size of the infestation, complete ant control may take up to two weeks.

Each pack comes with 6 ant baits.

  • Pre-filled & ready-to-use
  • Attracts ants fast
  • Works on all common household ants
  • Patented design prevents bait from drying out
Tip: Use all 6 baits to ensure sufficient bait supply for the ants.

The Advion Ant Bait Gel is designed for both indoors and outdoors.

It kills most ants species including:Harvester, Carpenter, Crazy, Ghost, Honey, Odorous House, Pavement, Fire Ant, Rover, Little Black, White Footed and others.

To apply – simply squeeze thin line(s) near the ant trait (not on them or in their path).

  • Can be used both indoor and outdoor
  • Strong attractant
  • Works on most ants species
Tip: Do not apply too much at a go as bait will lose its effectiveness when left out for too long.

Tip 2: Bait near entrance of ant nest if possible.

Note: Keep pets and kids away if there’s no container used to cover bait that only ants could get to.

>> Best Granular Ant Bait

Advance 375A Ant Granular Bait

This Ant Bait by Advance 375A is a granular bait formulated for use both indoors and outside. It’s formulated by combining a mixture of delayed-action insecticide (known as Abamectin) and ant attractant.

It works on most common ant species like the Little Black ants, Crazy ants, the Argentine ants, Fire ants, Odorous House ants, Field ants, Big headed ants, Pharaoh ants and more.

  • Ready-to-use
  • Does not get wet easily
  • Works on wide range of ants
  • Great alternative/ variety to sugar-based bait

>> Related article: Best Ant Spray

>> Best Fire Ant Bait

Advion Fire Ant Bait

Advion fire ant bait uses effective and fast acting ingredients combined with attractants to ensure control of fire ants within 1 to 3 days.

Dream house days special rooms. It is designed for both broadcast and mound treatment, and works on all life stages of ants.

Broadcast Treatments – Treat using broadcast equipment that’s capable of applying 1.5 pounds per acre. Calibrate and adjust broadcast equipment accordingly to ensure proper rate of application. Retreat after every 12 to 16 weeks if needed.

Individual Mound Treatments – Do not apply directly to the tops of ant mound. For each mound, apply 4 tablespoons (about 0.5 oz) 3 – 4 feet around the mound(s). Retreat after every 12 to 16 weeks if necessary. (Note: bait must be applied when it’s dry outside).

  • Controls fire ants in 24 to 72 hours
  • Effective on all life stages of the ant
  • Designed to kill fire ants, pavement ants & bigheaded ants
Note: Be sure to zone out of your main treatment spot, if possible the entire yard, or there might be a chance that some of them will move to a new spot.
Tip: If used outdoor, it is best to apply after mowing and check to ensure it not going to rain in the next 24 to 48 hrs.

Maxforce Ant Bait Gel Poison

The Maxforce Ant Bait Gel is a sugar-based bait that used Fipronil as its active Ingredient. It controls a wide range of ants including Sugar ants, Argentine ants, Little black ants, Ghost ants, Odorous House ants and Pavement ants.

To apply – Squeeze gel in spots, into cracks and crevices. For best results, place many spots of dabs of gel where ants can be seen foraging and entering.

This gel bait will stay effective and attractive to ants for up to two weeks (inspect gel and reapply as needed).

  • Great for spot application
  • Remains effective for up to 2 weeks
  • Controls wide range of ants
  • Plastic plunger included

Combat Ant Killing Gel Bait

The Combat Ant Gel Bait features high water content allowing faster feeding that starts killing within hours and provides control within 3 to 5 days.

It’s ready-to-use and allows application directly from the syringe for fast, easy application in cracks and crevices that are hard to reach. It works both indoors and outdoors, and doesn’t require much for it to work.

Tip: This gel is strong, try to apply near entrances of forging ants.

>> Available in these sizes: 1 pack, 2 pack & 4 pack

  • High water content
  • Ready-to-use
  • Strong killing content
  • Strong killing that might kill ants before reaching its nest

Optigard Ant Bait Gel (with plunger)

The Optigard Ant gel bait is formulated to target a wide spectrum of ants both indoor and outdoor. Its clear and odorless bait gel attracts ant to consume while its Thiamethoxam active ingredient offers effective long term killing control.

It works on ghost ants, argentine ants, pharaoh ants, fire ants, carpenter ants, harvester ants and more.

[May: Avoid the mistake of putting the bait along the the walking pathway as ants will swarm to it.]

Tip: Do place something below the gel bait when used indoors for easy disposal and prevent staining on the floor.
  • Odorless
  • Plunger included
  • Highly attractive to ants
  • Works on most species of ants
  • Works both indoor and outdoor

In Conclusion

Ant baits works behind the scene and is perhaps one of our top favourite way of getting rid of ants that just kept marching into the house to search for food.

Do make sure to keep kids and especially pets away [May: Simply don’t allow them to enter the room where the treatment is placed]. Also to ensure not using ant insecticides or repellents near ant bait as it will very likely defeat the logic behind how ant bait works.

Lastly, be sure to be patient and smart when applying and setting up ant baits (pouring or dripping bait gel directly over the ant or ant mound just send a big signal to ants that it’s probably not something good.

Now over to you. Have you tried using ant bait to treat your ant problem? What are your thoughts? Do you prefer sugar-based or protein-based ant bait? Leave a comment to let us know.

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